
Optimize your growth. We help projects generate leads and scale their marketing, all backed by AI generated data.
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Influencers &
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Years Of

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Trusted by leading media publications in the space

Our unique growth strategies

Our proprietary AI-based tech
allows us to create and optimize growth funnels,
catered to your project.

How well do you know your investors? We use AI to map out thousands of high quality leads across the crypto space. And then, We convert them to your platform.
We go a step beyond traditional influencer marketing. We use vast amounts of data and AI to precisely select the highest converting influencers for your project. We work with dozens of the most recognizable names in the space.
Starting from scratch? Our team of specialists will scale your project on every level, ensuring fast paced growth. Data-driven marketing, development, IDOs, content planning & more.
Managing a crypto community is a tough job. Our AI allows you to learn about your community on a deeper level, including sentiment data and keyword tracking. With multiple years of experience, our internal team uses this data to diligently manage your communities, 24/7.
With 5+ years of skin in the game, our team of talented social media specialists will work 24/7 on improving your projects social media presence at every level. Content planning and creation, copywriting, design and everything else needed to grow your socials.
Awareness and trust are the fundamental pillars of growth. We create highly converting articles and work with most visible platforms in the space to solidify your project’s market value and attract new potential investors.
From banner ads, to AMAs and Airdrop campaigns, we will set up and execute every tool available to drive fast paced growth. Banner ads, AMAs, airdrops, and much more!

Interested? Book A
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Leadership at GrowthCrypto

Henry Tam

Co-Founder & COO

Marcos Whelan

Founder & CEO

Ryan V

Co-Founder & CMO

Learn about Growth Marketing

Grow With GrowthCrypto